Tales From The Frontline – House arrest!

This ‘Tales From The Frontline’ finds Sandringham Paraplanner Cathy Roberts adjusting to life under ‘house arrest’.
So, as my header suggests, I’m one of the ‘at high risk’ people the government deems must be very anti-social, even towards their household members, for at least 12 weeks. I received my letter advising of such on the 1st April … my first thought was ‘April Fools’, second thought was ‘yay, don’t have to sit in the M62 car park for at least another 12 weeks’!
Well, I’m now into my 9th week of working from home and absolutely loving it. Sure it was a little scary at first realising that I won’t see my work colleagues for quite some time and not being able to toddle over for a quick 5 mins chat but we have so many great communication tools that we all still stay in touch, help each other with cases, and occasionally share a joke or two between the team to keep us all smiling. I work with a good bunch of people.
When I knew that we would be working from home for some time, I packed up my desk, office chair and all and carried/wheeled everything to the car. I got a few weird looks from passers-by whilst wheeling my chair through Huddersfield town centre but after explaining that I don’t have a dog and needed something to take for a walk, they understood. Several hours later, I was all set up again at home to continue working. It would have been a little quicker but I had to refer to our IT guru, Blake who told me what a HDMI cable was/did and where it plugged in. Told you I worked with a good bunch of people, didn’t I?
If I’m being honest, working from home is really working for me. I don’t have the stress I used to take into the office with me after driving the M62 on a morning and find I concentrate much better being in a quieter environment. The only negative thing is not having a lovely office sized printer/scanner but I’m getting to grips with e-working/IT stuff in fact, rather proud of myself, I worked out how to turn my screen back round the proper way again after dusting my keyboard the other day .. I’m sure we’ve all been there!
So, I guess what lockdown/self-isolation has taught me is that I am happy with my own company. I’ve set up my ‘new office’ in my little conservatory at the back of my house and can open the doors onto the garden on a nice sunny day. I have rarely been lonely but if I want a bit of background noise, just switch the radio on. My cat comes to visit me occasionally; I want to think it’s to make sure I’m ok but I think it’s really because she wants feeding. My partner works 12-hour shifts (a combination of days & nights) so I am used to not often seeing him. We regularly pass on the stairs as I’m coming down to work and he’s on his way to bed … works for us!
Well back to it – reports to write, clients to keep happy, and business to submit and if my cat is really lucky, she may get fed. My partner not so much as he’s got opposable thumbs and can open the cupboard himself!
Take care and stay safe everyone 😊
Cathy Roberts, Paraplanner